Alpha Millennial Health
Women’s health is an emerging market; women should be leading it.
Our Approach
In the evolving landscape of healthcare, how we think, talk about, and invest in health are all part of the path to equality. I have been conducting research on the health journey, health system and healthcare disparities for decades, often shouting into a void.
Health tech, fem tech, and health-AI are emerging markets finally creating a megaphone to talk about powerful, productive, lasting change in the health journey.
If you have been thinking about, studying, or working in health and see a place for innovation – now is the time to reach for the impossible; innovate; come out of the shadows and share your vision.
Alpha M is here to connect the dots.
Connecting the Dots
Powerful change results from thousands of seemingly disconnected dots creating an entirely new picture. Alpha Millennial Health brings science, art, data, and connection together to organize these dots, to create the picture you envision.
Strategic Advising
Meet Lisa Marceau
A recipient of numerous SBIR awards, she advises on seed funding and serves on NIH review panels.
She's an entrepreneur, strategist, and proud mom of three digital natives.
Lisa, a leader in mission-critical change, specializing in assisting founders in health tech and fem tech.
With a background in clinical research, digital product development, and executive leadership, she founded Alpha Millennial Health to navigate evolving health and work landscapes. Her expertise in maternal and women's health inspired Joyuus, a digital health program for postpartum care.